Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

American Wilderness


The Western Hemisphere is as diverse as it is vast. The American Wilderness section of our zoo features some of the most graceful and magnificent animals on the planet. Stroll along our boardwalk as it follows the course of a gentle stream. A beautiful array of native birds including ducks, geese, cormorants and many more enjoy the flowing waters and strut along the shore. In the beautiful glade,  bison, white-tailed deer and the iconic longhorn graze in the open grassland. Explore rocky outcrops and visit the lairs of regal predators like the mountain lion, ocelot, bobcat and foxes. Here you’ll also be charmed by raptors such as the bald eagle and caracara.

The American Wilderness area is also home to a dazzling assembly of Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish in their own custom-built habitats. Step inside and peek into the alluring aquariums that are home to splendid snakes, venomous lizards, freshwater fish and gentle turtles and so much more.

Make sure you also make your way through the Wild Bird Walkabout aviary and check out what’s happening at our Texas Horned Lizard Conservation Center, where you can learn about how Caldwell Zoo is helping to save the official reptile of the state of Texas.

American Wilderness

American Animals

Alligator, Cougar, Bobcat, Bison, White-tailed Deer, American White Pelican, Roseate Spoonbill, Great Horned Owl, Red-tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, Red Fox, North American River Otter, Common Goat, Giant Softshell Turtle, American Snapping Turtle, Black Bear

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