Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Camp

Best Camp Ever

Summer is a magical time. Free days offer endless opportunities for fun and adventure. Why lie around staring at a screen or wishing you had more to do? The most memorable summer days are filled with excitement and action.

Summer Camps at the Caldwell Zoo engage kids’ minds and bodies through programs that will nurture their love of nature. Each of our weekly camps is custom-built around a special theme, with hands-on activities showing kids just how awesome the animal kingdom really is.

Summer Camps run weekly from June 2nd through August 8th. Programs are available for children from 4 – 13 years old.

Camp Registration Includes

Full-Day Camp, Snacks, Hot Lunch from our Café and 2 T-Shirts

Only submit your name to the Wait List if Registration is full.

Wait List »

Camp Schedule

Due to popular demand, we have expanded capacity. Certain weeks will include 2 separate camps for 4-6 year olds or 7-9 year olds. Parents need register their children for specific camps for those weeks. Please coordinate with other parents if you want your children in the same camp group.


Let the Games Begin

JUNE 2nd-6th
4-6 year olds Camp A & B SOLD OUT
7-9 year olds Camps A SOLD OUT
7-9 year olds Camps  B

JUNE 9th – 13th
4-6 year olds Camps A & B
7-9 year olds SOLD OUT
10-13 year olds

JUNE 16th – 20th
4-6 year olds Camps A & B SOLD OUT
7-9 year olds SOLD OUT
10-13 year olds


What’s in Your Toolbox

JUNE 23rd – 27th
4-6 year olds Camps A SOLD OUT
4-6 year olds Camps B
7-9 year olds Camps A SOLD OUT
7-9 year olds Camps B

JUNE 30th – July 4th
4-6 year olds Camps A & B
7-9 year olds
10-13 year olds

JULY 7th – 11th
4-6 year olds Camps A SOLD OUT
4-6 year olds Camps B
7-9 year olds Camps A & B

JULY 14th – 18th
4-6 year olds Camps A & B
7-9 year olds
10-13 year olds


Artistic Animals

JULY 21st – 25th
4-6 year olds Camp A SOLD OUT
4-6 year olds Camp B
7-9 year olds Camp A SOLD OUT
7-9 year olds Camp B

JULY 28th – AUGUST 1st
4-6 year olds Camp A & B
7-9 year olds SOLD OUT
10-13 year olds

AUGUST 4th – 8th
4-6 year olds Camp A SOLD OUT
4-6 year olds Camp B
7-9 year olds SOLD OUT
10-13 year olds SOLD OUT

Summer 2025 Adventure Tracks

Caldwell Zoo Summer Camps will feature 3 distinct and exciting themes for each age group of campers. The camps for each week are designed with exceptional variety so that there are activities that engage every camper, no matter what their interests may be.


Let the Games Begin

Ready, set, go! Campers will step into the world of animal champions, exploring incredible animal abilities through exciting outdoor games and friendly competitions. From racing like cheetahs to working as a team like ants, campers will discover how teamwork and skills help animals thrive—all while building their own team spirit!


What’s in Your Toolbox

Nature’s handymen are all around us! Campers will uncover the amazing “tools” animals use to survive, from sharp claws and sturdy shells to keen eyesight and powerful beaks. Campers will discover through hands-on activities how these fascinating features help animals thrive in the wild!


Artistic Animals

Get ready to unleash your inner artist! Campers will dive into the wild world of animal creativity, exploring how creatures use color, movement, and patterns to express themselves. From building nests to painting masterpieces, they’ll discover the artistic side of the animal kingdom—and create their own works of art inspired by nature!


Camp run from Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


All camps include a morning and afternoon snack as well as a hot lunch from our café.

Any food allergies or special diet restrictions must be communicated at the time of registration.


Zoo Camp T-shirts must be worn each day of camp.

Important Information

  • All camps are organized by age ranges. Parents should register for the age group that corresponds to their child’s age on the first day of the desired camp session.
  • For answers to many common questions, please review the Frequently Asked Questions below.
  • For additional questions, please contact our Education Department by phone at 903-593-0121 ext. 228 or by email at education@caldwellzoo.org. Please include your contact information and any details about your inquiry, and our staff will respond ASAP.

Sample Day at Zoo Camp

9:00 a.m. – 9:10 a.m. Drop-off/Check-in
9:10 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Topic Exploration
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Time on Grounds
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Snack
10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Experiments/Crafts/Games
12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m. Lunch/Outside Time
12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Free Time
1:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Time on Grounds
2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Snack
2:15 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Experiments/Crafts/Games
3:00 p.m. – 3:10 p.m. Pick-up/Check-out

Note: This schedule is a generic sample. Actual schedules will vary based on campers’ ages and activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Caldwell Zoo takes the health and safety of its guests, employees and animals seriously. The zoo follows the guidelines set by state health officials. We continually monitor any changes to state guidelines and make adjustments based on updated recommendations. For specific information, please contact the Education Department (903-593-0121 ext. 228 or education@caldwellzoo.org).

How many students are in each class?
Each camp session will accommodate up to 16 campers and will be staffed by a counselor and Zoo Crew volunteers.

What forms are required before my child can participate?
After completing your registration, you will receive an email with your paperwork, including the Authorized Adult Form, Emergency Contact Information, and Policy/Liability Release Form. Please ensure these forms are completed and submitted within one month of your registration date.

What if something comes up and I need to cancel my registration?

Caldwell Zoo does not provide refunds for cancelled registrations. Our programs are planned months ahead of time, so staffing is arranged and supplies are ordered based on reservations. However, we understand surprises happen, and we will try to accommodate requests for registration changes if your child cannot attend the camp session for which he or she is registered.

You are welcome to find another camper to take your child’s spot as long as the registration is transferred before the first day of the camp session. To transfer registration to another child, you must notify zoo staff at least one month prior to the start of the session, and we must receive the registration for the new camper at least two weeks before the first day of the session. If these deadlines are not met, the Zoo may disallow the other student’s participation.

Drop Off
Each morning before camp begins, we will meet you and your child at the bus parking lot for drop off. The bus parking lot is on Gentry Parkway, right beside the Sonic. Please form a car line leading to the curb where zoo staff will greet you and help your child get to the right location inside the zoo. The bus lot gates open at 8:50 a.m. We suggest you arrive as close to 8:50 a.m. as possible to avoid backing up traffic on Gentry Parkway. Summer Camp begins at 9:00 a.m.

For the safety of everyone, we kindly ask that you remain in your vehicle during drop-off whenever possible. If needed, you may exit your car briefly to assist your child out of a car seat. To help streamline the drop-off process, we ask that parents refrain from walking their child into Summer Camp. Additionally, we request that parents stay away from the playground area to maintain a safe environment for campers, staff, and volunteers.

Pick Up
Camp ends at 3:00 p.m., and the bus lot gates will be open for pick-up from 3:00 to 3:20 p.m. Please form a car line at the curb, just as you did during drop-off. For safety and security, all adults picking up a camper must either display the provided car tag (distributed on Monday) or present a valid ID each day. We will use the Authorized Adult Form to verify who is authorized to pick up each child. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please remain in your vehicle, and we will bring your child directly to your car.

What does my student need to bring?
Each camper should bring the following items every day:

  • Current year, official Caldwell Zoo Summer Camp T-Shirt
  • Reusable Water Bottle
  • Closed-toed Shoes
The following items also may be useful, depending on daily weather conditions:
  • Rain jacket/umbrella
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
What should my student not bring?
The following items should be left at home:
  • Toys
  • Stuffed animals
  • Weapons
  • Perfume or make-up
  • Money
  • Pets
  • Parents
  • Bad Attitude
The following items may sometimes be appropriate, but your child will be asked to put them away during certain activities
  • Cell phone
  • Digital camera
  • Backpack

What if I am running late for drop off?
Please let us know if you are running late. Call the Visitor Services office at 903-593-0121, and we will coordinate with you. Most likely you will be asked to bring your camper to the main entrance of the zoo when you arrive.

What if I need to pick up my student early?
If possible, communicate the pick-up time with camp staff at drop-off. If something comes up unexpectedly that requires you to collect your child early, call our Visitor Services office at 903-593-0121, and we will coordinate with you and our staff. Most likely you will be asked to come to the main entrance to collect your child.

What if my student will be absent?
We understand that things happen that may cause a camper to miss a day. If your camper will be absent, please let us know. We would like to get camp rolling rather than wait for someone who is not coming that day.

What if I need to cancel my registration after a session begins?
Summer Camp is non-refundable, and registration cannot be cancelled or rescheduled after a session has begun.

What if rain is predicted?
Camp will go on, rain or shine! Please send your camper in weather-appropriate clothing, as we will still be outside on rainy days. If lightning or other weather poses a health risk, we will stay inside and modify our activities.

Who can I contact in case of an emergency?
If something comes up during the day, contact our Visitor Services office at 903-593-0121, and they will coordinate with your child’s counselor.

Can I stay with my child during camp?
Summer Camp is designed to be a drop-off program, so parents may not stay with a child during camp. There is not enough space to accommodate both campers and parents, and campers can be distracted when their parents are around. We want all participants to get the most out of every session.

Can I remain at the zoo while my child is in camp?
Parents and siblings are welcome to enjoy the zoo while a child is at camp. After dropping off your camper(s) in the bus lot drop off line, you must exit the bus lot and park in the main lot, allowing you to enter the zoo using the main entrance. To enter the zoo, members must present their Member ID, and non-members must pay admission.

What if my child has dietary restrictions?
Please notify us during registration about any allergies your child has so that we can take protective measures. We will try to provide alternate snacks and lunches free of major food allergens. However, if your child has a combination of allergies or is allergic to something uncommon, you are welcome to send separate snacks and lunch for your camper.

Can I bring group snacks?
We would love to celebrate with campers who have a birthday or other special event during the program! Please let the Education Staff know in advance if you will be bringing group snacks. Group snacks must be store bought and sealed. For the safety of all students, if these guidelines are not followed, we have the right not to serve the group snacks brought by a parent.

Is my child old enough to enjoy camp?
Children must be at least 4 years old to attend Summer Camp. To fully enjoy camp, your child must be able to play cooperatively and sit and listen for 10 minutes. Campers must be toilet trained and able to take restroom breaks independently. If you have questions about this policy, please contact us. We can be reached by phone at 903-593-0121 ext. 228 or by email at education@caldwellzoo.org.

What about my child who needs special accommodations?
We welcome campers with special needs! We do ask to be informed at registration so we can make appropriate accommodations as needed. If your child requires the assistance of an aide, the aide is more than welcome to join your child free of charge during camp as long as this arrangement is scheduled at the time of registration.

Reservations are only valid for the registered child and the session booked. Summer Camp is non-refundable. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis; many camp sessions are likely to fill. Caldwell Zoo may cancel any camp session or day at any time without prior notice. If this occurs, the zoo will provide a full refund for a cancelled session or a pro rata refund for the cancelled day. Participants must follow all camp rules and the instructions provided by camp counselors. Any child who jeopardizes the welfare of an animal or the safety of anyone in the group will be removed from the program without a refund. All participants must be within their camp session’s age bracket on the first day of the session. Ages will be verified on the first day. Students registered for a session outside their own age bracket may be removed from the program without a refund. Please call 903-593-0121 for more details on program policies. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Please feel free to contact our Education Department at education@caldwellzoo.org or by calling us at 903-593-0121 ext. 228.

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